





Word of the Day: English

prey (noun)

An animal that is hunted or killed by other animals.

Mot du jour: Francais

À l'envers (adv.)

Dans le sens inverse, du mauvais côté

Wort des Tages: Deutsch

blauäugig (adjektiv)

Naiv sein, etwas schnell glauben

How to find a tandem partner

Learning a language is fun, or at least it ought to be fun! Unfortunately, people often forget to have fun and get lost in all that grammar and lexis. Language learners also often forget that learning a language is all about communication, about making friends, exploring cultures and using the best tool available to meet like-minded people. In order to make use of that tool, language, we actually have to speak it. Polyglot Benny Lewis wrote tons of articles about the importance of speaking your target language from day 1, even if it seems impossible. No matter how little you know, we also believe: Speaking Is King!
One option to really practice what you've learned outside the classroom environemnt is by finding a language exchange partner - a tandem partner. Both of you want to learn and can help the other acquire new words and practice grammar structures. Whilst a langauge exchange partner might not replace a qualified teacher, you will nevertheless benefit greatly in terms of pronuniciation, vocabulary and speaking practice.

Freunde, die auf einer Wiese sitzen und lachen

Tandem Sources

As always, there exist countless opportunities online to find what you need and it's no different for langauge exchange partners. Here is a list of what we thought helpful.


The website is a mobile app and website dedicated to matching suitable langauge partners who can help each other. After registration and langauge selection you can find thousands of people offering yozr target langauge. The app is extremely useful and they also offer exchange meetings! Furthermore, as an additional feature you can book tutors if speaking to like-minded people is not enough.

2. TandemPartners

The website TandemPartners offers a similar approach, but takes the whole process offline. After registering, you just tell the engine what you are looking for and what you can offer and they provide you with appropriate matches who you can contact directly. The good thing about it is that it is widely known, so finding a partner should be relatively easy. Bear in mind however that you can't live in the middle of nowehere and still expect to find a match.

3. Meetup

As always, Meetup is a fanatstic choice and platform to meet people who are like you and who are interested in the same things. There is literally something for everyone on this website, particularly if you live in a comparably big city. You can just sign up with Facebook (or of course using your email) and search for appropriate events. Chances are, there will be something you'll fidn relevant.